Subject: WEB: HTML Markup 2.2.1 Author: Scott J. Kleper ( Uploaded By: CJ DaveAx Date: 11/29/1996 File: HTML Markup 2.2.1.sit (308521 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 413 Equipment: Any Mac or PowerMac Needs: StuffIt Expander or AOL 2.x for extracting Keywords: INTERNET WWW WEB HTML AUTHORING CONVERT TEXT MARKUP TYPE: Shareware (US$20.00) LIBRARY: IC/Personal Publishing --------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: INTERNET WWW WEB HTML AUTHORING CONVERT TEXT MARKUP HTML Markup has been one of the leading HTML conversion utilities for the Macintosh for over a year. Each successive version has been the result of user feedback. HTML Markup has evolved with the web, and now offers features like batch conversion, document coloring, headers and footers, comments, automatic conversion of lists, and much more. Version 2.2's support for AppleScript brings new flexibility to the program. Sample scripts included with the program show how HTML Markup can be used from within a text editor like BBEdit 4.0 to streamline the HTML authoring process. Other sample scripts show HTML Markup used with a CGI script to serve up text files on the fly. HTML Markup's scripting dictionary provides a complete interface for scripters to extend the program. Users can customize how files are converted by post-processing their files with AppleScript. The latest version of HTML Markup is always available from: Visit the HTML Markup homepage at: Send your comments and suggestions to: Downloads of previous versions: 2106 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection Forum Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. TDC